Sunday, November 11, 2007

Day Forty One - Lazy bones

No one could really be bothered today - except Greg Hull. He managed a majestic 40 mile contribution, getting us to Rao, whilst the rest of us just lazed about eating (I know, you've missed my food descriptions ;) )

We ate padang cuisine of this region. Padang food is served in small portions of various dishes, in a way similar to tapas. So the tables were laden with with dozens of small dishes filled with highly-flavored foods such as curried fish, fried tempeh, stewed greends, chili aubergine, curried beef liver, fried chicken, rendang, a spicy meat stew and of course, sambals, the spicy sauces ubiquitous at Indonesian tables.

We dared each other to eat durian fruit - only Tom was willing. Can I say it was possibly the worst thing I have ever smelt (and I am including my sister's socks in this)! Many hotels ban guests from eating durian in their rooms as it smells so putrid. Travel and food writer Richard Sterling said “... its odor is best described as pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock. It can be smelled from yards away." I don't care that it is meant to taste like custard and almonds, I just wasn't risking it....

1 comment:

Pierre Christen said...

You will understand how idiot you've been if you dare trying it some day.