Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Day Fifty - Perambulating in the Philippines

Another fine day of walking. We managed to cover 248 miles over land and sea and have crossed into another country. We finally rested in Balabac Island, which forms part of the Philippines.

This island is rather special, as it is home to various endemic species - the Grey Imperial-pigeon, the Philippine Cockatoo, the Blue-Headed Racquet-tail, and the Palawan Hornbill. The Philippine Mouse Deer (or Pilandok) can only be found in this island. It also is home to the rather brilliantly named Molbog people - their name comes from "murky or turbid water".

I'm really looking forward to my stay in the Philippines, most of the food sounds amazing, with a real Spanish influence (Arroz Valenciana − a Filipino version of the Spanish paella and my favourite, Leche Flan - caramel custard made with eggs and milk) , some of the food sounds terrifying ( Balut - essentially boiled pre-hatched ducklings. These fertilized duck eggs are allowed to develop until the embryo reaches a pre-determined size to be boiled; Betamax − roasted dried chicken blood served as little cubes; and Soup Number 5 - made out of bulls testicles and penis- shame I'm a vegetarian! - then again we eat pork scratchings and deep-fried Mars Bars in the UK - so who am I to judge?).

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