Monday, November 5, 2007

Days Thirty Four and Thirty Five - Bobbing in the Sea

Due to horrific bouts of seasickness, we haven't managed to move very far in the last two days. It must be bad when I have to make a contribution to the paddling! On Day 34, with my partner in crime Liam (dressed in a bright red afro - had to be seen to be believed), we managed a measly 6 miles.

Day 35, due to another heroic effort from Greg Hull, we pushed on for another 59 miles.

We are now 170 miles from the Andoman and Nicobar Islands and 431 miles from Tavoy, Burma. I hope we get there soon as I am getting fed up of eating dry crackers....

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Yes hurray for Greg Hull's heroic cross-country efforts - I had to wimp out on Ilkley Moor on Sunday and get the train home! More importantly, well done to all the Leeds City boys and girls on their relay performances on Saturday - especially the Senior Men's silver medal winning result...great running AND some extra miles in the bag for 80 days.