Monday, November 26, 2007

Days Fifty Four and Fifty Five - Bubble tea and sympathy

Too many cream buns in Manila threw our schedule out! We didn't do any travelling at all on day 54.

Hero of day 55 is Adam Grice, who singlehandedly covered 289 miles for us! We made it to Taitung County in Taiwan.

Interesting fact of the day (well interesting to me anyway!):
The shape of the main island of Taiwan is similar to a sweet potato seen in a south-to-north direction, and therefore, Taiwanese people, especially the Min-nan division, often call themselves "children of the Sweet Potato. There are also other interpretations of the island shape, one of which is a whale in the ocean (the Pacific Ocean) if viewed in a west-to-east direction.

We went to a tea house specialising in "Bubble Tea" - a Taiwanese speciality. Bubble tea comes in a variety of versions. I decided to stick to the orginal (and best) - which consists of hot black tea, tapioca pearls, condensed milk, and honey - YUM!

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