Friday, November 23, 2007

Day Fifty One - Panicking in Panakan

We have moved onto another island in the Philippines, Palawan Island. Rather incredibly this small area is a melting pot of 87 different cultural groups and races.

According to my travel guide "The world's largest pearl, known as the Pearl of Lao Tze or the Pearl of Allah, was found by a diver off the Philippine island of Palawan in 1934 and is stored in a museum in that country.9.45 inches in diameter and weighing 6.4 kilograms and currently valued at $60 million. Wilburn Cobb, claimed to have witnessed a native diver who had been seized by the jaws of a giant clam, which in turn contained an enormous pearl with the image of a turbaned face thought to resemble Mohammad. The Muslim tribal chief labeled the treasure "The Pearl of Allah". At the time of discovery of the pearl, Cobb offered to buy the pearl from the tribal chief. The tribal chief rejected the offer saying that nothing paid for by the sacrifice of a human life could be bought with money. Cobb returned to the village two years later to find the chief's son dying of malaria. Cobb saved his life and as a token of gratitude the chief gave the pearl to Mr Cobb". Actually the story is rather interesting, including tales of Confucious, Chinese Emperors and Jonny Johnny Weissmuller - yes - Tarzan! For more info go to :

We covered 126 miles today - not bad eh? We decided to stop off in Panakan.

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