Monday, December 3, 2007

Day Fifty Eight and Fifty Nine - Japanic!

Well, we've made it to another country, we have landed in one of the many Japanese islands, Okinawa Island, which is approximately half-way between Kyūshū and Taiwan.

According to my travel guide:

"Okinawa also has its own religious beliefs, generally characterized by ancestor worship and the respecting of relationships between the living, the dead, and the gods and spirits of the natural world.

Okinawan culture bears traces of its various trading partners. One can find Chinese, Thai and Austronesian influences in the island's customs. Perhaps Okinawa's most famous cultural export is karate, probably a product of the close ties with and influence of China on Okinawan culture. Karate is thought to be a synthesis of Chinese kung fu with traditional Okinawan martial arts.

Okinawa has many remains of a unique type of castle or fortress called Gusuku. These are believed to be the predecessors of Japan's castles."

We made 57 miles an day 58 and 164 on day 59!

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