Monday, October 1, 2007

The first day...

On October the 1st 2007 six members of the LOGIK Lifestyle Group set off to follow in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg by travelling around the world in 80 days. When this challenge was first attempted 135 years ago motorised transport was allowed however in the 21st century that would make it too easy! In the spirit of the Lifestyle Group the challenge has been set to follow the same route as Fogg however only human powered movement will be allowed.

As the original challenge set off from London we have decided to add Leeds to London to the begining of the journey and will finish the journey by travelling from London back to Leeds. Leaving at 12:30 on Monday the six initial members of the expedition party walked a total of 12.36 miles leaving them just west of Wakefield for their first night away from home.

With only 79 days to go it looks like they will need plenty of help in order to be back in Leeds for Christmas. Details of how to help can be found to the right hand side of this webpage, whether you walk, swim, play golf, ride your bike to work or move in any other way under your own steam then drop them a line on and join the team.

1 comment:

Tess said...


After logging the stirling efforts of Ruth Murphy and family, we totalled 30.86 miles on Day One - that means we got to...wait for it..... Ecclesfield, just outside of Rotherham. Just another 166 miles to London!!!